Give yourself peace of mind- now we have a way of monitoring your health even when we are not in your home.

Our Telehealth device can measure and record:
Daily Weights
Heart Rate or Pulse
Blood Pressure
Blood Glucose
Oxygen Saturation
Medication Reminders
What makes Telehealth so great?
Some chronic conditions need consistent vitals taken to stay on top of the disease. When you don’t want to be visited multiple times a day by nursing staff, this small, noninvasive devise can check your vitals, record the data and communicate that remotely to our nurse in office. If you are beginning to have a flare up with your disease, we can see it and react quicker and send help to turn you around before you need to visit the doctor. This leads to better outcomes and longer stays at home- instead of in the hospital.
Is there an additional charge?
Tender Touch never charges you extra for their services, equipment, or supplies unless legally required, so while you are under our care, we will only charge you the regular visit fee, regardless of the extra equipment you do or do not use. Our main concern is your health, not your wallet.
Telehealth is especially great at monitoring and helping those suffering with:
Early Dementia
Congestive Heart Failure
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Can my doctor see the data?
If you like, your doctor can also see the data after we send them a login. Modern healthcare looks for patterns and changes from normal, so your doctor is looking for shifts in your health. Your doctor may be able to find the root cause of all your problems and track your progress. This gives the doctors an idea of how medications or routine changes are helping to effect the disease.
Is this system any good?
The telehealth device we use is the best wireless device we have found! It does not need a phone line to work in your home. It is completely self-contained, and only needs a small amount of electricity to operate. We have used these devices in remote locations throughout our service area, and so far we have had no issues with service. Don’t let your rural address keep you from receiving this wonderful service- you are actually the person who may need it the most!