Medical Social Worker
Tender Touch has a masters level medical social worker to perform psychosocial assessments, advise on community resources and help set up caregiver support.

Medical Social Worker is most often used by people who are suffering with:
Limited Finances
Little to no social network
Frequent hospitalizations
Extended hospital or nursing home stays
Parkinson’s Disease
Low Vision Issues including Blindness
What Can Medical Social Worker Help With?
Grief Counseling
Limited Psychiatric help
Securing resources- such as Meals on Wheels and Medicaid
Obtaining Walkers, Canes, Wheelchairs, DME, etc that has already been prescribed
Family issues
Help getting into a Nursing Home
What makes our Medical Social Worker better than our Competitors?
Medical Social Worker when you need one most
Appointments around your schedule
Help create a plan when struggling with financial issues
Find Local and Government resources
Well qualified social worker
One-on-One care
Local and Experienced Medical Social Worker
Personalized therapy goals
Safely make it to all of your appointments
Highest Medicare ratings in the area
Highest Customer Service Awards in the industry (Fazzi)